
Showing posts from 2009

Happy New Years!!

Happy New Years to ALL !! So my New Years resolution. Hmmm.. This is going to be hard but I know it must be done! 1. Eat smaller meals. 2. Exercise at least 3x a week! 3. Save at least $50 per month. 4. Do my lesson plans for the next week by Friday! 5. Scrap a 12x12 a week. 6. Do more challenges. Phew! I know the 1st four are going to be hard! That should be it! Be safe hope your 2010 is a blessed one!

I'm Back!

Well, its been a while since i lasted posted! We left for our annual mini xmas vacation to the coast. As usually the weather was blah. It rained for the last two days.. cold and drizzle. I spent the days laying down on the bed... then yesterday my back went out! So here i sit with a heating pad on my back! UGH! Oh well. So its been 6 days since i've crafted!! I'm aching to craft but Fern is in the other room and I do not want to disturb him. So I'm catching up on my crafting videos and decided to change up my blog. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! This year we do not have a party to DJ at so what are we to do? Just spend it here at home and drink! I really want to have a game night party but don't have the funds to fund it! I"m not into the fireworks stuff so it would be lame for my sister and her family to come. Tomorrow I'll post my new years resolution! Which I will try to keep! maybe i'll do some crafts a wee bit later! :) BYE!!!...

YAY! I finally did a mini album!!

Ok.. so.. i've been struggling doing mini albums. I recently did a word album for my brother.. which was driving me crazy. I really didn't like the end results but people liked it. Oh well... I'm my own worst crictic. well Since i'm a blog hopper.. i found this blog about 1 1/2 months ago and i'm addicted to watching her videos! Mary over at Cardztv recently made a mini tag album. When I saw it.. I Was like... I CAN DO THAT! Ok.. so i did have a problem with picking paper for it.. but i think it turned out great! So take a look at my video.. then head on over to Mary's blog to see her detailed video on how to make it! CardzTv -direct link to the video of the Mini Album. Fel.. if your watching.. I said i was gonna make one for you.. i'm not! LOL I forgot you see my blog.. dang it!! LOL Thanks MARY your AWESOME!! Don't forget to pause the player on the right to hear!

3 Challenges

Ok... I made this card on Sunday but forgot to post it! Cricut Cardz Challenge #5 Required us to use any color combo and cartridge but We have to put something that starts with an "S": Santa, Stocking, Sleigh..etc... For this I used the stocking cut from Joys of the seasons. I sprayed shimmer mist from SU and used stickles for the jingle bells.. There looks like some blackish marks on the cuff of the stocking.. Upon looking.. its is some of the glitter from the stickles.. I don't know why it looks blackish on the photo.. Well here is my card.. nice and simple! I am also entering this card for the DieCut Dreams Challenge #27 They wanted us to use anything glitter! My Glitter is the shimmer mist and the stickles! Too bad you can't see the shimmer mist.. its so glittery in person! Our Creative Corner : Create a card or project with a Holiday Theme, Christmas or Hannukah

Non-crafting week... :(

So i have not been in the mood to craft this week. Made a few ornamets tag frames for work for my students pictures.. but been feeling very blah this week. I have yet to do a card challenge. I'm gazing over to my left as i t ype and looking at my supplies.. Hmmm... just not feeling it. No inspiration! Maybe i'll go head over to youtube and look at some videos for some inspiration. blah.. Been waiting on my stampin up stuff to arrive. I order it In november 15.. and still nothing! Supposedly people are turnign in orders lates so that makes our orders late.. Oh well, that was my last month with them.. I had to drop out of the club to do financial reasons.. and to be honest.. shipment cost and delays were a major factor. well I'll blog another time.. Youtube here I come!

Crafty Haven Blog Candy...

Soo I was scrolling through my blog dashboard looking at blogs that I follow and saw it! Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for providing this awesome blog on your DAY!............. CRAFTY HAVEN

Technical Difficulties!!

My BLOG BACKGROUND is MESSED UP!! GRRRRRrr.. Sorry folks if you can't see the pictures.. I don't know what is happening.

One Card --4 CHALLENGES!

PHEW! I made one card for 4 challenges! Now this was a Challenge! Kaboodle ā€”Use Snowflakes PeachyKeen Stamps Challenge 17 - stripes, poka dots, border, stamped image, Mojo Monday 116 ā€”use following sketch Just Buggin' --Layers -Use at least two die cuts and layer them together ( My snowflakes are layered! Joys of Season Cart ) SO here is my CARD! Hope you like!

Our Xmas tree

Hello! Just thought I'd post a picture of our Christmas tree! This is our softball Xmas tree on top of our dinning room table. I did it last night. We are hosting Our 10&U Softball Team Xmas party.. Just thought the girls may like it!

Pink Persimmons Challenge...

Well... Since I won the card challedge at Get Sketchy and it was a Gift card to Pink Persimmons .. I went to take a look at their site again and notice they have challenges as well.. so here is my card challenge for them. After seeing on here.. I don't know if i like it..... Hmmmm

GET SKETCHY #16 & CuttleBug Challenge #59 & Kaboodle

Well I can't believe I won last week Get SKETCHY challenge ..I'm still glowing!! LOl I'm so excited!! This is this week challenge.. On another Note, I will be entering this challenge in the Cuttlebug challenge #59.. they wanted of course something cuttlebugged, bling and glitter. Ok So, when I took the picture the glittery didn't show.. I used a shimmer glitter mist from SU. Its really shiny in person! For the 1st time ever I used CoreDinations! I LOVE IT.. thats a bit bling for me and another bling is the button! Since i'm a plain jane kinda girl this is alot for me! HOPE YOU LIKE!!


OMG.. i was actually jumping up and down.. MY BF was like umm your gonna fall! LOL... AHHH i'm so happy !!! go to this site to see!!!


Found some new BLOG CANDY! Go take a look at this awesome website! She is also a SU demo! You know How i love SU! So go to>>> SCRAPMATER'S Paradise !

Cricut Card Challenge #3

Hello! This Cricut Card Challege #3 was to use white, pink & green! I just bought Joy's of the Season Cart at M's today!! Ohh I love it!! The shapes are too cute!!

Get Sketchy Challenge 15

So here is my card for the Get Sketchy Challenge #15. Take a look at the other folks who are entered in the challenge at GET SKETCHY .

My 1st Word Album!!

I struggled so much with this! I wanted to use chipboard that I got from packaging from books at school. Well, when I finally bought the deep housing blade, it wouldn't cut! Even after 6 cuts.. then it would move,, i wouldn't move to the currently place.. It was just very cheap chipboard. So I decided to use cereal box type paper! I now know to use a thicker font for this.. I should of used the blackout letters. I used the swivel clasp by tim holtz.. i saw Cristina from Creation with Cristina use it in one of her episodes. I finally had went to a M's that had them! I think its ok for my first word album! My brother will like it! HE will cry! Hope you like!! PS: Press the pause button on the player on the right so you can hear the video!

Cricut Card challenge2 & Papertake Weekly Challenge28

Ok.. so i'm killing two birds with one stone! Papertake weekly challenge has this sketch for there challenge this week.... And Cricut Card Challenge #2 states we can use any cricut cart...and any color but it has to be a thanksgiving theme! PERFECT! I made this card with: SU Kraft Cardstock--Yay finally bought some! I love seeing Kwerner use it! The maple leaft is from Stretch your Imagination Cart Hope you like!

AWesome Michaels Find!!!

I was in a SHOPPERS HIGH!! Ok.. SO i went to micheals just to see what they had and how to use my 40% coupon. Well I walked in and saw they had a 90% off rack.. hmm Halloween.. looked at what they had ...THEN I looked at the bottom and saw some paper pads.. HMMM this must be a mistake! SEI paperpads.. and MME.. hmmmm one says 24.99.. Can't be 90% off.. But i grabbed the two. Went looking around found the refill for my zyron. .. When i went to the register.. the MME came up for $1.99! YES 1.99! OMG.. then she scanned the SEI.. hmmmm wait no UPC code on it.. I told her they were both on the rack in the front.. She goes ahh i'll scan it the same as the other!! YES i got them both for $1.99!!! YAY!! AWESOME DEAL!! Soo.. take a look at my video for a more detailed view of my paper!! I said Hobby Lobby in video but i meant MICHAELS! Remember: Press the Pause button on the Player on the right so you can hear video!

Today's Mama Holiday Give away w/ Provocraft!!

Mamaā€™s Holiday Wish List Meme TodaysMama and Provo Craft are giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter Iā€™m sharing this meme with you. 1. What 5 items are on your holiday wish list this year? a) new clothes b) cricut cartridges c) new oven d) scrapbooking supplies e) lose more weight! 2. What is your favorite handmade gift you have received? a blanket! love it 3. What handmade gift have you always wanted to tackle? to make a quilt 4. What was the best Christmas gift you received as a child? barbie dream house! 5. What items are on your kidā€™s wish list this year? She wants softball items! 6. What is your favorite holiday food? Tamales 7. What will you be hand-crafting for the holidays? Xmas Cards/Mini Books 8. What is your favorite holiday movie? Little WOmen 9. Favorite holiday song? Have your self a merry little xmas..... 10. Favorite holiday pastime? Going fishing on Xmas Day! Click here to see an example. Send us a link to your post via email wi...

candy candy and more candy

Isnt' this an awesome blog candy? Take a look at True Gifts from the Heart blog!

more blog candy!

Take a look! I love blog hopping! Passion for Crafts


OK.. found a blog.. ya know how much i love blog hopping! So Take a look at her blog at BEADZ . Have fun! WIsh me luck that i win!!

Cricut Cardz Challenge!

YAY! I found another challenge blog! This one we have to use our cricut! YAY! I need to use my cricut more often when i'm making cards! This is Cricut Cardz Challenge 1st ever challenge! We had to create a card with the cricut and use any color. I decided to use a cartridge I've used only once. HOME ACCENTS! OMG! I am in love with it!! Love IT! It is a solutions cart.. I never really looked at it. It came with my E. I really need to use it again! I love it! (didn't i say that already?) Well the card is simple... but its soo pretty! I love it! I love the shading I did on the pear! its too cute.. It looks like i knew what i was doing! LOL Hope you like!

I gave up a Stampin up CLUB!

Ok.. so with our family budget being cut by $300 per month.. I decided to give up one of my Stampin up Monthly Clubs! So thats about$24 more in my pockets! When another lady said she will fill in.. i was so thank full.. then in the back ofmy head.. i was like ohhhhhh I can join a Close to my Heart CLUB! UGH.. i'm so bad! But i didn't... So... i'm working on my Scrapbooking/cardmaking budget! One step at at time.. I'll be doing alot of challenges in hopes I win prizes! :)

Get Sketchy Challenge 14

So recently..when i charged on my card.. (i know i shouldn't have) this was last weekend.. I found out that ROSS dress for less has Scrapbooking ITEMS! WOW! found some nice xmas stuff. Well i found a card kit. hmmm How can i make it my own? Well i cut up the cards and made this card. Hope you like.. GetSketchy Challenge

Feeling like a Failure...

So I am banded.. LAP Banded... July 20, 2009.. i've only lost 30 lbs.. been stuck at minus 30 for a few months. I've heard people mention they only can get a good 1/4 cup of food and they are good to go. ME? i'm still eating a good 1 to 2 cups. More like 2- 2 1/2 cups! I don't know.. Dr. is putting a 1/2 cc per month. He said he does not want to over do it. He gets patients all the time saying they are miserable because they can't eat. He is happy if i only loose a good 1 lb per week. UGH! Why can't i stop eating? I"m so addicted to food! I have no idea how i'm going to do it with the holidays! I have to cook thanksgiving lunch at work. UGh! Today.. for the 1st time i feel pain in my port area! Never had that feeling before. I feel like a big ole loser! Why can't i get this to work! Sometimes I feel maybe my band slipped! What does it feel like when my band slips?? I don't know... I sooo want to cry! Why can't i do this...

GetSketchy#13 Card Challenge..

I am soo late posting this! I did this a while back but haven't posted! This is a Thank You card I made for CraftJunkie TOO for the prize she sent me!! I was sooo excited to receive it!! So here is the card and the sketch! Thanks for looking!

I am sooo SAD!!!

I have been BANNED! I'm not talking about my LAPBAND! MY boyfriend.. just told me I have a problem! I am spending too much $ on my scrapbook and cardmaking supplies. Which I'm sure you all are thinking... HEY you work .. its your MONEY! But its MONEY I don't really have to spend! :( I'd rather buy supplies then EAT..hmmmm but i still haven't lost any more weight!! UGh!! (side tracked--sorry) I had the PINKSTAMPER Video in my cart at custom crops... i told him he was like.. Kathy... you have a problem.. you do not have money. :( I need to stop charging on my CREDIT card when.. i'm out of my money... :( ugh... I OHHH SO NEED TO WIN scrap prizes to feed my HABIT! *** I leave you mourning!!! :( waahh ahhhh waaahahhh !!

Since it says Weight loss Journal on top!....

OK.. haven't put in anything weight related in a while. Don't know if some of you all know.. but back in July 20th, i had the lapband operation. Which means, i got a band around the top of my stomach. This makes a smaller pouch on top for my food. So i'm suppose to feel fuller sooner. Well i'm still stuck at 30 lbs lost. I'm am eating less but I could do better.. i'm so in love with food! Well reason i'm posting this is because i made a revelation yesterday. I was out eating lunch with my mom at this very nice chinese resturant. We placed our lunch order (beef mushroom) then the people with carts were passing by offering dim sum.. Hmmm never had dim sum before.. so we got asian pork spare ribs... (YUM! nice flavor) then shrimp spring rolls. OMG sooo good! then our lunch we ordered came... hmmm i looked at it... ate one bite then i couldn't anymore. MY REVELATION?! Before my lapband.. i would of eaten the whole thing! WOWO! I've come a long way! I st...

blog candy!!!!

Just found a new blog! Its so cute! She is givingaway a candy.. she has reached over 100 followers!!! Hmmmm if i reach that many.. i will do the same too! I've been collecting items!! :) take a look at her cute blog!!! Scrap Obsess with Jess


Ok.. So I woke up very early today so I can attend a community yard sale here in town. About 85 Families were going to participate! OMG there were lots of folks in that neighborhood! I was kind of disappointed because there was only 1 place that had something scrapbooking related! Which is what i got! Take a look at this AWESOME DEAL!!!! Don't forget to turn off the player on the right so you can listen to the video!

Boo-LOG Prize!! its here!!!

Take a LOOK!! THANKS TRACY!! Don't forget to turn off the player on the right so you can listen to the video!

PeachkyKeen Challenge #15

Ok.. so I really like this card. As I do not have many Xmas stamps...The ones I do are tiny I would really love to win a big xmas stamp..(HINT HINT)... heheheeh So here is my Peac hyKeen Challenge #15 card... SKETCH first then CARD! Hope you like... Simple simple simple...

Get Sketchy #12 & Papertake Weekly CHallenge #27

Ok.. I went ahead and posted the two challenges in one post. I took advantage of the fact that the phot upload was working and if i tried to do a seperate post, i knew it wouldn't work! This is my Papertake Weekly Challenge # 27. Sketch then My card follows! :) So here is my Get Sketchy Challege #12... Here is what it suppose to look like then my entry.


I was noticing someone became a follower and i saw the photo .. and it looked kinda of nasty..and when i clicked on it! AAAAAHHHHH NASTY! some pervert signed up as a follower and it lead to a sex site!! GROSS !! GROSS .. SO for now i took off my followers link.. until I find out how to take them off!! GROSS GROSS GROSS.. I guess I have to now but a spam code on it or something... BLAHBLAH BLAH... Sorry folks if it offended anyone! _______ UPDATE Please remove BABYBOY from your followers site.. I noticed when i removed them from my site.. he is following scrappbooking site! I had not noticed the pic what it was of.. yuck! look closely and remove them!! People are so disgusting!!!!


OMG !! OMG OMG!! I WON a contest on CRAFTJUNKIES TOO's BLOG !!! I can not believe it!! I"M SO EXCITED!! I won on her afterparty contest!!! Ok.. i won a set of clear stamps.. Don't know what kind.. but i don't care!1 I WON !! I actually won something!! This is too fun!!! THANK YOU TRACY !! I love all your videos!!! I've learned some awesome tips!! VISIT HER BLOG! CRAFTJUNKIES TOO

Sweet Pieces by Me Blog Candy...

Again. I love to blog hop to find card challenges and videos.. Well I came across this blog...SO cute.... ANd she has a blog candy! YUMMY! Please take a look at her blog and check out her awesome site! SWEET PIECES BY ME

PTW & Get Sketchy Challenges

Here are this weeks card for the following challenges: Papertake Weekly Challenge : Card is to have spots & stripes Get Sketchy: card is to follow this sketch.... So what I did is use this sketch to do the PTW challenge.. Kill two birds with one stone. Once again i'm a simple girl.. plain and simple! Hope you like my CARD:

BLOG CANDY! Love it!!

So i was blog hopping (looking for card challenges) and came across another blog candy! I hope I win!!! Please visit PINK PIGGY

More Challenges!

Ok this card is for the Peachy Keen Stamps Challenge . We had to use Pink, brown, ribbon, glitter and a stamped image. I don't have big stamp images from PKS but I do have the face stamps so i used that. I promise if i WIN, I will buy the nice big stamps ! :) Its a very simple card. Hmm.. just realized you can't see the glitter. The glitter is on the circles in the scallops. I am also entering this card in the Papertake Weekl y Challenge sketch 26. We just had to use the sketch on their blog. Like i said simple simple.. nothing as elaborate as the other ladies.

Cuttlebug Challenge #54

Another Challenge! I kinda like this! The green spider paper is from a package I bought at the dollar spot in Target. The spiderweb i cut from PaperDoll Dress up Cricut Cartridge. I cuttlebugged the gree paper with the folder that has grass and a bird on it. I don't remember the name of the folder I just made sure I didn't emboss the bird. Hope you like! Take a look at the other entries at the Cuttlebug Challenge Blogspot .

Video: 2page Scrap Layout

Ok, Yes i know its been forever since i've done a video. I got up from bed and decided I needed to continue my vacation album. I've been doing 2 page layouts because I took lots of pictures! For this layout, I decided to use my cricut, stamps and brads. Hmmm now come to think of it, I should of used the cuttlebug too! Hope you enjoy the video. Please leave comments! Please turn off the player so you can hear the video! :) Hope you like my music! :) To turn off music scroll down to the bottom of the page and press pause or stop. FYI: It took me from 3:00 to about 10 pm to finish this! Of course during this time i got frustrated when to Home Depot.. Then came back to continue..

Peachy Keen Challenge 13

Ok.. So this is my 2nd time i've done a challenge or is it my 3rd? I don't know but I do know these challenges are as it says CHALLENGING for me! I am so not good at doing this! The bottom portion of the pic is silver glitter but it looks gold here! HMmmm .. Oh well it is not as good as the other entries in the challenge but as my blog states... I AM A NEWBIE! Also, I do not have lots of christmas stamps.. so i used what i had. The challenge was to use 3 Snowflakes, A sentiment, a stamped image, purple and blue. So here it is.. Visit PeachyKeen ...

New website!

Found yet another website to visit daily! Thanks to the cricut messageboard for posting this new site!!! Click on the link to visit this great site! Above Rubies Studio

"Peachy Keen Stamps Challenge Blog Candy"

YAy! Peachy keen Stamps is having a BLOG CANDY! Take a look on the side bar for a pic of the candy! Ohhhh! I hope i win. I love using the everday character faces on with my EDPD.. its so awesome! wish me luck!

My Music Playlist..

I grew up with a mother who loved MUSIC! We would go to the music store and buy albums and 45's all the time! We listened to all types of music! Hope you like my music.. its a wide variety... Love UNDERCOVER ANGEL... reminds me when i was 5 living in Laredo.. I also remember waking up Sunday mornings to the smell of tortillas that my mom was making and the music! awwww I loved being a KID! MEMORIES!!


Ok.. SO i was rushing home to get some $$ for my dr. appt after school.. and on the way out on the table next to our door.. i saw a BOX! Hmmm said my name and my BFF (KARLA)!?? UGH! I dont have time to open it.... So there i am in the DR. office thinking about the box.. hmm what is it?? Dang it.. I wanna know.. SO i came rushing home and tore the thing about! OMG! IT is too cool! She is the bestest! Here is a video of what was inside! Fernando was like.. what you bought more stuff??!!! NOOOOOOOOO its a present! :) And to think I was itching to buy something.. Now i don't have to.. so she actually saved me $$ :) THANK YOU KARLA!

PIck me PIck me Pick ME !!!

Last week for WinterWOODLAND cart! I WANT TO WIN!!! ProvoCraft PICK ME PICK ME! Here is the link to the winter woodland cart.. take a look! Wish me luck!!


Ok.. this double layout is the most elaborate i've done! Usually I do simple layouts. Mat the photo, do a title and a little journal. This time.. I added more stuff! I used EDPD cart! OHHH how i love that CART! Awesome! This layout is about our summer trip to Florida. The man lugging the ice chest? Fernando! With his grumpy face lugging that thing in the deep white sands! He's still in pain due to this! The girl is Maison! Did i mention how i love EDPD!? :) ENJOY!


PHEW! Well, First album was created at the HOUSE OF FELKATZ! hehehe... Well, as I mentioned it was not really mine but my step daughters. She had to create a baby album for her science class. It had to be about her element "TUNGSTEN". It had to have baby photo, birth news... a poem.. family members.. career goals..etc. She did the album on her own. I only helped by making suggestions. I loaded paper on mat and I was the only one allowed to touch my "E"! She's a sophmore in HIgh school but still its my TOY! Anyway, I showed her how to use Sure Cuts ALot and the cuttlebug and she went to town with it! She picked out all the colors of clothing etc.. and did everything. I had suggested to use O wires for the book but she wanted to put only ribbon. Oh well... I think its AWESOME! She really worked hard on it! Please leave a comment.. she was would really like to hear what you think.. She was like your going to post it on YOUTUBE? I said yes.. don't worry your fu...

A Mini Album in progress....

Well, I am currently working on a mini album...BUT its not mine! I am helping my step-daughter work on a baby album. Nope not her's! Her element for science. She has to create a baby album for her science element. OMG my cricut, Everyday paperdoll cart, my top note die, cuttlebug..etc have all come in handy! She is so into making this album! If she doesn't get the most points for it.... I"M CRACKING SKULLS!!!! I will be posting either a pic or video of it soon. We should finish it by tomorrow. It is due on THURSDAY! Its soo cool! :) ~~Pleasant Dreams~~ ~Felkatz80~

Target Dollar Spot...

Ok.. I know i shouldn't have bought anything scarp related but.... its a great bargin. thats what I keep telling myself. So I was only going to target to buy my face cream and some starbucks coffee (used my bday gift card!).... I also got a few other items.... TAKE A LOOK!

More Stuff I bought.....

YAY! I created a Video with MUSIC! Well here are a few other stuff I bought! Hope you enjoy the Tejano Music in the background! Products Purchased: CTMH: My Consultants website is right HERE ! D1363 - Picture Perfect B1256- Alfresco C1342- Damask Tiles D1375- Treasures (Sept Stamp of the Month) B1301- Softball Celebration Stamp came with Everyday Celebration Card Kit. --- Bind It all : hobby lobby Peachy Keen Stamp -faces Everyday Paperdoll Dress Up- Michaels. Products Purchased: LEAVE A COMMENT PLEASE! :) BYE!

My First CTMH Card!

9-24-09: Well... Another package arrived today! It was from CLOSE TO MY HEART (CTMH)! I have never ordered any products from them. I wanted to give the ink a try to see if they work on my other clear stamps. I used SU inks but it tends to bead. Well anyway... I got a lot of goodies! 6 stamp sets! CUTE... except one.. the softball one came with a hole in the middle need to return that one.. With my purchase I was able to get a Free card kit. OMG! Since ya know.. I'm not very creative in trying to figure out how to make a card... This kit comes with everything even a full size stamp set! It came with ink, embellishments.. cardstock.. everything! It had like 4 different style of cards you can make.. which ends up being about 2 cards per style. Total of about a good 8 cards. Its too cool! Love it LOVE IT LOVE IT! I ordered from LORI.. Which i met through the cricut message board. She is so awesome to work with. She is also making videos! I had never seen a CTMH video... and when I saw ...

My First Video!

Ok Ok.. I jumped on the band wagon and made a video! Monkey see.. Monkey do! EEEEee ooooooaaaaaahhhh! I joined two Stampin Up clubs! Yes TWO! This is my first package in the mail! I also got another suprise! Sorry for my VOICE! I hate it! BLAH! Please leave comments on what I should and shouldn't do! OR if you want to see more? Side note! I will not do tutorials! I watch tutorials so I try to be as creative but that never works out! LOL I can post challenges or cards that I do. WOuld you like to see this? Take a Look! SU Products: Top Note Die Word Window Spiral 1 3/4" Circle Asian Artistry (level 2 hostess) Sweet Centers SU Journal Writer (blk) My Sentiments Exactly : Adrienne has an awesome website! She does Watch Me Wednesday videos then on Thursday, she sells the stamps she uses at a major discount! Fridays are Freebie Fridays! You have to add her to your favorite she ROCKS! All four stamps were $11 total. I've seen these at hobby lobby and they go for $10 + per set! U...

Week 3 Give away

Another chance to win Winter Wood Land CART! They have reached 100 carts! YAY!! I entered to win! Check out the message board in regards to this. Product details here ! Cross your fingers that i WIN!

Blog Candy and/or Video?

Hmmmm Been seeing a lot of people doing videos and giving blog candies. So should I or shouldn't I? I should be expecting a 2 packages from SU.. Good thing to video? The only thing... I hate my voice! blah! I think I will give it a try. Need to dust off the video camera and try it. Also, need to find some items i've purchased but haven't used. I think I have a stamp, a cuttlebug die that i know i won't use... and i know i have some other stuff. let me know if anyone would be interested in seeing my items i've purchased ! LOL I won't do any tutorials.. i am not creative... Ohhh i bought a BIA maybe I can show my fustration in doing a word book! I know i'll mess up alot! But then again.. you will be hearing too many cuss words! LOL .. We shall see what happens! --Pleasant dreams! kat

Cricut giving away.......

Winter Wood Land CART! They have reached 100 carts! YAY!! I entered to win! Check out the message board in regards to this. Product details here ! Cross your fingers that i WIN!

Finally I scrapped!

Ok.. its been a good month or more since I day a scrapbook layout! This time i did a 2 page layout of our summer vacation. Its one of my goals to scrapbook all our summer vacation pics. I did 3 pages a month ago and then stopped due to several surgeries, but now i'm ready to start up again. My layouts are not as fancy as the ones i've seen here. I still consider myself a newbie. I wish I can get as fancy as everyone here. I just used the cricut to cut out the letterings. Its a basic font. The pencil is what we used to keep score! i saved everything so i can scrap! Hope you like...

Cricut giving away!

Ok.. cricut has reached 100 carts and they are celebrating! So here is the link to the celebration! This my second entry to win! YAY !!! 100 Carts Celebration

YAY! 30 lbs LOST!

OMG! I have lost 30 lbs! My clothes are loose! I'm kind of in between sizes. Weird! But i'm so excited! On another note... I need to start crafting again! I started a 2 page scrap page of our summer vacation. i made 3 pages.. then stopped due to surgery, then my work reassignment! UGH! So i should get to started on my crafts! I have some stampin up items on order! I can't wait! I order the TOP NOTE! I've been wanting that! I joined two clubs! I know i know that alot. :) So i'm setting goals for myself! LIst is not in any order of importance everything everyone is important! 1. EXERCISE 2. Scrap or papercraft more! 3. Blog more often. ( does anyone read this blog?) So thats it! Lets see if I actually do any of my goals!


YAY! I"m a year older! Don't feel different! LOL I sound like Molly Ringwald in the movie Sixteen Candle. Well yesterday, Fernando took me to get some fish for our pond since our koi and other fish died because it sprung a leak! Well, I got like 3 comets and 1 shasbun (sp?) and some feeder fish. MY BIRTHDAY fish! YAY. Waking up!.... Went out side and hmmmm my fish are swimming weird on their side! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! My birthday fish died on my Birthday! SOOOO SAD! The store was closed today and closed on labor day but we were told to freeze it and give them a water sample on Tuesday! YES freeze the fish! So i have 4 frozen pond fish in my freezer! LOL! Well after the shock of my dead fish... we went to the pulga (flea market). I bought this awesome vintage cake saver! SOOO pretty! I love collecting vintage cake savers! I think thats what they are called. Isn't it pretty?? ---> Then came home and got ready and left to see "JULIE & JULIA". It was cute mo...

Birthday Tomorrow..

Ok.. so My birthday is tomorrow.. about 26 minutes from now. Wow.. i'm getting order! If I were to have a baby, i would be in that percentile that needs to becareful due to my age. I would have to have an amnio! Kind of scary... i guess no baby for me! As I type, my birthday cake is in the oven.. smells yummy! So what are my plans for my BDAY? Well Fernando is going to take me to the movies! I want to see Julie and Julia! THen he is taking me out for lunch or dinner! Then home to eat my CAKE! Yummm. No major celebrations. Just 1 year older and down almost 30 lbs! YAY! My mom and grandma got me giftcards to buy myself new clothes! My pants are falling off and my blouses are tooo big! YAY! Good sign! Sooo looking forward to buying new clothes! Well thats all for now.. my cake is about ready to get out of the oven! BYE!! :)


Well Ya know something? I hope I win something in September! Its my birthday month! Sept 6th folks.. so please mark that on your calendar and make sure to send me GIFTS! I LOVE PRESENTS!! LOL I would love some scrapbooking and card making stuff! I'm forbidden to buy any scrapbooking/cardmaking stuff :( I'm only allowed my allotted Stampin Up stuff because I had already obligated myself! DARN SURGERIES and DEDUCTABLES! I"m in so much debt from deductables!! UGH!!! Sooooo here are the links to some blog candy!! Cross your fingers that i WIN something! lol Creating from the Heart Sassy Designs by Susie (i'm suppose to post a pic..but I can't figure out how to do it!?) sorry :(

Another SURGERY!

Well.. One month and 1 day! I had another surgery! This time my GALLBLADDER! I had to spend the night at the hospital blah! Surgery was more than expected! Dr. said I didn't have stones but BOULDERS! He had a hard time breaking them to pull out the gallbladder! So i'm home from work for a week! UGH .. 1st day of school started today! I got some bad news today in regards to my classes! I lost my students! I have been reassigned to do life skills class! BIG CHANGE! I know nothing about life skills! Supposedly I will only have 3 students. Oh well another Challenge ! It must be for a good reason! They are testing me BIG TIME!! I'm bery scared but oh well. Go with the flow! I'm in a bit of pain. My incisions hurts. I am trying not to take the pain meds they knock me out. Sleeping hurts because I have to sleep semi upright! If i lay flat.. my back hurts if i lay semi up.. my back hurts! So guess what MY BACK HURTS RIGHT NOW! I am sitting at my des...

Blog candy..

I wanna win ! I wanna win!! LOL i'm short on $$$ here are a few blogs that are having blog candy up for grabs: Papercrafts by Rach Live it -Scrap it Enjoying the Journey The crafting pad McMahon Five Designs :) Please visit the above sites! but i hope you don't WIN! LOL Hmmm.... I may give away some blog candy myself on my birthday... SEPTEMBER.. SO please come back and You might see me give some blog candy away!

Life after SURGERY! ??

Ok.. I think i'm ready to tell what happened when i went into surgery. IF some of you all don't know, I had the LAPBAND surgery on July 20th. I've heard its fairly simple surgery just 4 small incisions. Well, when doc went in... LOW AND BEHOLD he found i had a HIATAL HERNIA! What is that!? Well, at the bottom of my esphogas it goes through a muscle to go to my stomach..well.... my stomach decided to up the passage where my esphogas was. Usually you have symptoms (heartburn... belching..etc). Didn't have any symptoms. Well doc fixed it.. pulled down my stomach and stitched the muscle close so only my esphogas goes through. Then he did my lapband! Well this was my 1st ever surgery in my life! I woke up in pain! I hurt to cough.. Nursers go me up quick to change and leave! just two hours of recovering (sleeping--well knocked out!). 1st & 2nd day i took my pain meds and was knocked out most of the time. Barely drank water or my broth (food). My 3rd day.. had lo...

I'm BACK!!!

I"m finally back from vacation! Took lots of pictures! It's been 9 days since i've scrapped anything or made a card! I"m so tired today Got in at 2am this morning. UGH I loved sleeping in my own bed!! First thing i did is log in to cricut message board and went to my favorite scarp blog sites.. and I found an awesome blog candy! I hope i win!!! Here is the link to her website.... YA BUGGIN' ME . I'll post more info about my lap band surgery later.. Need my scrap video fix! :) I'm going blog hopping!!!

Peachy Keen Challenge

Ok... So i'm going do challenges. I figure the more I do, the more creative I will be. This challenge is from Peachy Keen Stamps Challenge #4. It has to have stripes, a greeting and 3 buttons. Its simple very simple but its a start! I will be doing more challenges to get my creative juices flowing. So please be kind and lets hope i'll get better! :) Thanks for Looking!! ~Kat PS. you can click on the pick to see a bigger view of it.

Something new in my Scrap Area!

All I have to say is that I have an AWESOME boyfriend! He jokes around about me buying all my craft stuff.. but HA to him you should see his TOOLS! (which he can't find most of the time!) He did find them for this project. He made me an AWESOME Pegboard for my Scrap tools!. YAY HIM! Ohhh.. You can see i got my SCOR-Pal have yet to use it! I'm NOT feeling very creative lately (read post below). Oh another thing see my ATG.. I altered it! :) Love ya FERN!

Surgery Date Changed! (No craft today) :(

Well, went to the Dr. today and there was a scheduling problem. I had hoped to get my surgery on the 20th but then the miscommunication happened. So they moved it to the 21st! One day whats the big deal you may say. Well We had planned on going to Panama Beach Florida & Augusta George on the 26 and i wanted a more days of recovery! Well.. I emailed to see if they can do it this FRIDAY! Which was the plan but I had that mishappen before the 20th surgery date! UGH! I am in depression mode! I can't seem to sleep at times. I just lay here! I had to force myself to get up from bed today i'm here! posting.. and Your comments really helped! I want to thank everyone to for their comments. (for some reason, i can't post a comment not even on my own website)! Well thank you! I can't believe people actually come to my website! LOL. Thank you Erica for your words of encouragement! THANKS ALL! Happy Crafting!! ~kat

Inspired by Shawns's Video...

So last night I was up late on the Cricut message board and decided to view a video that I saw a fellow member post. So i go take a look... OOOOOOOOOOO! I LOVE IT. So this morning I was upset because well, if you look at the card I attempted to make below... Its DISGUSTING! I logged into some site: cuttlebug spot and they have a challenge (inside counts) So Hmmm.. I want to try what Shawna did, but I don't have that embossing folder... What to do? So i just did it with the devine swirl cuttlebug folder. I think it turned out ok? I embossed the swirls. Its a bit different but i like it. Hope you like it SHAWNA! Thanks for the inspiration! You can visit Shawns website @ to view the video.

Snap out of it SUNDAY SKETCH...

Ok..have trouble following a sketch. BLAH i don't like it.. the thingie in the middle looks odd.. oh well.. Here's the website where the challenge is at It looks nothing like it! LOL I need practice! I already saw some of the other folks cards.. OMG i'm a amature!

Win $1,000 at!

I have just discovered that The Cuttlebug Spot is having a contest - "The Journey to 1,000"! They are trying to reach 1,000 followers by the end of July and need your help. To enter all you have to do is go to their site, sign up as follower and complete a few easy steps and you could win a $1,000 gift certificate to Custom Crops ( )! GO NOW and check it out at

craft or diet journal???

Ok.. so the title of this blog says scarpbooking and crafting. I have not yet created anything big. I have done a couple of cards. I did use my cricut, cuttlebug and stamps for it! So i used all my tools! I have not done any layouts! UGH i have the pictures i want to use but i only have two i want to add more photos! Hmmm i'm still thinking what colors, fonts, embellishments..etc.. i want to use. Well, since my last post, i did eat on Wednesday. Why? I was having terrible headaches! I emailed my advocate at the dr. office. I just explained my terrible headaches and if its possible for me to add like a strawberry to the shakes. Well, I was waiting for the email reply.. THEN the phone rings! Its her! She goes, " Kathy, Dr. C wants to talk to you! " I was freaking out! I am in BIG trouble! Well he picks up and ask what is happening... i tell him. He goes ok, if you feel you need to cheat. Then have a small dinner of chicken or steak with a green vegetables. Only like every 3...


ok... I am going to get the lap band surgery. I am scheduled to have my operation on July 20th. I am on my 2nd day of a liquid diet. It consists of 14 days of all protein shakes. They are pretty gross and i am pretty hungry. I have to have 3 - 5 shakes a day as a meal. I can have water and crystal light drink. Hmmmm.. Major HUNGRY HEADACHES! I cheated ugh! I know I know.. I had a spear of pickle, crackers and some cheese these past two day! UGH... I know i shouldn't. But goodness with just protein shakes in my system.. eww i had to have something to chew. So i'm sucking on life savers, tic tacs. Somethign to curb my hunger! I am pretty scared. but i know its all for the best. I am so tired of being fat. I have no idea what is it to be fit. Never been skinny. I just want to be able to walk without getting tired. I wanna feel good about myself. Well wish me luck! I will try to post everyday. I have no idea if anyone is reading this. If someone is read...


OK.. Yes i know I said I was going to go on a DIET! I did for 1/2 a day then everything went down hill! Still have not gotten back on the wagon! I need to went to Dr's and boy was I suprised @ the number! HIJOLE! In regards to my creative side!? Well, I joined the inchie challenge. Still don't know what theme to do it in. I am hoping this will get me more active in creating instead of just buying. I do really have problems! I spend on my craft yet I don't create!! Back to my life when i am not shopping for crafts.... Well, yesterday was the last day of taking my Step daughter to softball camp ! I said to myself YAY! I don't have to wake up early. Yet this morning I found myself awake @ 4:45??? WHAT !!! So I saw some TV, got up made breakfast for BF, did laundry then went to Michaels to return items that I really didn't need. Just spend 2.64 when i was there on clearance items. OHHHH BIG NEWS!! Completely forgot why I was going to post! I ordered my A...

Friday Update....

Its been a trying week. Had to wake up early to take my stepdaughter to her softball camp then go back a few hours later to pick her up. Then Yesterday was my BF b-day had to plan the meal for his dinner party also had to take SD to buy him a gift, get my hair cut.. etc.. blah! I was thinking today I need to do something during the summer besides scrapbook & make cards! I have the whole summer off! So, i just need bite the bullet and LOSE weight! Then at the cricut message board I saw a post about weight watchers. Hmmm.. I did that years ago and it worked! So i decide to do this! Tomorrow I will start WW on my own. Then I saw OKIE's post about losing weight! Hmmmm this is a SIGN! I had planned on getting the LapBand surgery. I still have that plan as long as my insurance will pay for it. I go next month to make sure everything is in order. I've seen pictures of myself and it makes me cry. I am huge. I can't believe i let myself get this way. My BF left to go fishing my...

My scarpbook album..

Hey Howdy, Thought I'd show you my scrapbook album. It is in order showing my very first scrap page. Mind you, I didn't know about Cricut etc. I just happen to buy a kit for my niece on sale @ Target so i bought two. I used one for myself and i did one page and I was hooked! Hope you like. Be kind!

Another Softball day...

It is so HOTTT!!! We had a softball tournament to go to. My bf and I have a softball organization that we run. We have a 10 & Under & 18 under team. Its nothing but softball all year long! So back to the tournament. Had to wake up @ 5:45 to make breakfast tacos and be @ field by 7am! Thank goodness it was only a one day tournament. I was hoping they would lose early so we can just go home! The temp was i believe 95 with a heat index of 105? I am burnt toast! I didn't even play just watched. Got home... took a shower and knocked out! I am too exhausted to even scrap. Maybe tomorrow! Adios!!


Ok so this is my first 1st post. I hope it works. This is my first full week @ home since school let out. Yep, thats right i'm a teacher! I like that I do not have to deal with any student but this is my second year teaching & I am trying to get use to not working in the summer. My BF was driving me nuts this week! He is also a teacher, but he finally went back to school to register some kids for summer school! YAY! He will be teaching for the summer! Thank goodness! Since I am new to scrapbooking. I am going to post some pictures of my cards and layouts on here. So remember be kind. I am new to this stuff. Enjoy!