Another SURGERY!

Well.. One month and 1 day! I had another surgery! This time my GALLBLADDER! I had to spend the night at the hospital blah! Surgery was more than expected! Dr. said I didn't have stones but BOULDERS! He had a hard time breaking them to pull out the gallbladder! So i'm home from work for a week! UGH .. 1st day of school started today!

I got some bad news today in regards to my classes! I lost my students! I have been reassigned to do life skills class! BIG CHANGE! I know nothing about life skills! Supposedly I will only have 3 students. Oh well another Challenge ! It must be for a good reason! They are testing me BIG TIME!! I'm bery scared but oh well. Go with the flow!

I'm in a bit of pain. My incisions hurts. I am trying not to take the pain meds they knock me out. Sleeping hurts because I have to sleep semi upright! If i lay flat.. my back hurts if i lay semi up.. my back hurts! So guess what MY BACK HURTS RIGHT NOW! I am sitting at my desk cause i'm tire of my bed!

I made a Thank you card for my Mom yesterday. I thanked her for taking me to hospital and taking care of me. She's SUPER MOM! Love her! She does sooo much! I'm so blessed to have a mom like her!

Well thats all i guess... My incisions are hurting.. gonna get up and walk.

Ohhh i'm a very holey person! I have 8 holes in my abdomen! Ohh wait make that 9..forgot my belly button! LOL



  1. You're only a month out of the band and already had to have your gallbladder out? That's awful. I had my gallbladder out in 2007 after attempting a great low-cal diet and having the stones pile up on me.
    I'm glad though, because I figured what your going through would have been me too. It will get better! Good luck to you with your new class.

  2. Thanks Marciela! The incision pains are dulling. Just having problems with my lapband. I feel something stuck in my throat. Dr. says is my stomach way of saying stop your eating too fast. But thing is.. i haven't eaten anything ?? hmm ohhh well!


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