YAY! I finally did a mini album!!

Ok.. so.. i've been struggling doing mini albums. I recently did a word album for my brother.. which was driving me crazy. I really didn't like the end results but people liked it. Oh well... I'm my own worst crictic.

well Since i'm a blog hopper.. i found this blog about 1 1/2 months ago and i'm addicted to watching her videos! Mary over at Cardztv recently made a mini tag album. When I saw it.. I Was like... I CAN DO THAT!

Ok.. so i did have a problem with picking paper for it.. but i think it turned out great!

So take a look at my video.. then head on over to Mary's blog to see her detailed video on how to make it! CardzTv -direct link to the video of the Mini Album.

Fel.. if your watching.. I said i was gonna make one for you.. i'm not! LOL I forgot you see my blog.. dang it!! LOL

Thanks MARY your AWESOME!!
Don't forget to pause the player on the right to hear!


  1. That's so lovely! Thanks so muck for sharing! and soooo cool using the TP roles!

  2. It turned out GREAT!!! I LOVE Mary's blog and have made a few of these toilet paper roll albums!!! Even my 5 year old makes sure we save the rolls for "Mommy's albums"

    Merry Christmas,

  3. I just found your blog..yipee! I LOVE this mini album. I have seen many of them, but none with actual pics on them, it is nice to know that you can cut the pics down to fit. I can't wait to make one. Time to start saving my toilet paper rolls;)! Thank you for sharing.


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