Getting Cricky Design Team Submission..

Omgosh.. I’m so excited to try out for Kristal’s Design Team for her blog  Getting Cricky with KAndrews!  I recently found her blog a few months ago and that is the go to blog I go to on a daily basis.  She is very inspirational both creatively and spiritually.  Oh my has she made me cry!   LOVE IT.

My 1st submission is this 12x12 layout I created following a sketch and a challenge I did for another blog.

The swirls  & doiley were a cut from the Cricut Lite Cartridge: Lovely Floral which I am so in love with right now!  the flowers are from Recollections as well as the bling in the middle of the big flower and black stickles on the other smaller flowers!


here is the sketch I followed:

More detail view:



2nd Submission is an ALTERED blank CD!  yes I know totally out of my comfort zone and its shabby chic! I’m usually a plain jane kinda girl but I’m loving doing this!

Flowers are from recollection which were glimmer misted! Pearls, ribbon, flowers ohhh my!  My niece is gonna love hanging this on the door knob of her room! 


My 3rd submission was a tough I send you a card? or what I’ve been doing lately?? which are frames!!  Sooo the FRAMES have it.. but which one???  This is the one I picked!


this was my 1st time using the crackle technique with elmers glue. I personally love the way this turned out.  Of course my Nieces & Nephew makes the frame just stand out! They are soo georgous!  Love my babies! Sorry had to throw that in. I’m so proud of them! 

a more detailed view.



Well I hope you like my projects and I am would be so honored if I can be picked as part of your Design Team ..


~~ Kathy


  1. I just saw your comment at Getting Cricky and I am going to be one of your fellow DT members! I am PSYCHED! I am a new follower too ;)

  2. Kathy your submissions rock! I will also be joining on you the DT as well. I'm so excited just like you this is my first DT! Congrats! I can't wait for all of us to get started :)

  3. WOO HOO LAdies!! I"m looking forward to it!! i'm nervous!! hehehe

    THANKS for beign a follower!! YAY FOR GETTING CRICKY & Kristal!!


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