
Showing posts from September, 2009

A Mini Album in progress....

Well, I am currently working on a mini album...BUT its not mine! I am helping my step-daughter work on a baby album. Nope not her's! Her element for science. She has to create a baby album for her science element. OMG my cricut, Everyday paperdoll cart, my top note die, cuttlebug..etc have all come in handy! She is so into making this album! If she doesn't get the most points for it.... I"M CRACKING SKULLS!!!! I will be posting either a pic or video of it soon. We should finish it by tomorrow. It is due on THURSDAY! Its soo cool! :) ~~Pleasant Dreams~~ ~Felkatz80~

Target Dollar Spot...

Ok.. I know i shouldn't have bought anything scarp related but.... its a great bargin. thats what I keep telling myself. So I was only going to target to buy my face cream and some starbucks coffee (used my bday gift card!).... I also got a few other items.... TAKE A LOOK!

More Stuff I bought.....

YAY! I created a Video with MUSIC! Well here are a few other stuff I bought! Hope you enjoy the Tejano Music in the background! Products Purchased: CTMH: My Consultants website is right HERE ! D1363 - Picture Perfect B1256- Alfresco C1342- Damask Tiles D1375- Treasures (Sept Stamp of the Month) B1301- Softball Celebration Stamp came with Everyday Celebration Card Kit. --- Bind It all : hobby lobby Peachy Keen Stamp -faces Everyday Paperdoll Dress Up- Michaels. Products Purchased: LEAVE A COMMENT PLEASE! :) BYE!

My First CTMH Card!

9-24-09: Well... Another package arrived today! It was from CLOSE TO MY HEART (CTMH)! I have never ordered any products from them. I wanted to give the ink a try to see if they work on my other clear stamps. I used SU inks but it tends to bead. Well anyway... I got a lot of goodies! 6 stamp sets! CUTE... except one.. the softball one came with a hole in the middle need to return that one.. With my purchase I was able to get a Free card kit. OMG! Since ya know.. I'm not very creative in trying to figure out how to make a card... This kit comes with everything even a full size stamp set! It came with ink, embellishments.. cardstock.. everything! It had like 4 different style of cards you can make.. which ends up being about 2 cards per style. Total of about a good 8 cards. Its too cool! Love it LOVE IT LOVE IT! I ordered from LORI.. Which i met through the cricut message board. She is so awesome to work with. She is also making videos! I had never seen a CTMH video... and when I saw ...

My First Video!

Ok Ok.. I jumped on the band wagon and made a video! Monkey see.. Monkey do! EEEEee ooooooaaaaaahhhh! I joined two Stampin Up clubs! Yes TWO! This is my first package in the mail! I also got another suprise! Sorry for my VOICE! I hate it! BLAH! Please leave comments on what I should and shouldn't do! OR if you want to see more? Side note! I will not do tutorials! I watch tutorials so I try to be as creative but that never works out! LOL I can post challenges or cards that I do. WOuld you like to see this? Take a Look! SU Products: Top Note Die Word Window Spiral 1 3/4" Circle Asian Artistry (level 2 hostess) Sweet Centers SU Journal Writer (blk) My Sentiments Exactly : Adrienne has an awesome website! She does Watch Me Wednesday videos then on Thursday, she sells the stamps she uses at a major discount! Fridays are Freebie Fridays! You have to add her to your favorite she ROCKS! All four stamps were $11 total. I've seen these at hobby lobby and they go for $10 + per set! U...

Week 3 Give away

Another chance to win Winter Wood Land CART! They have reached 100 carts! YAY!! I entered to win! Check out the message board in regards to this. Product details here ! Cross your fingers that i WIN!

Blog Candy and/or Video?

Hmmmm Been seeing a lot of people doing videos and giving blog candies. So should I or shouldn't I? I should be expecting a 2 packages from SU.. Good thing to video? The only thing... I hate my voice! blah! I think I will give it a try. Need to dust off the video camera and try it. Also, need to find some items i've purchased but haven't used. I think I have a stamp, a cuttlebug die that i know i won't use... and i know i have some other stuff. let me know if anyone would be interested in seeing my items i've purchased ! LOL I won't do any tutorials.. i am not creative... Ohhh i bought a BIA maybe I can show my fustration in doing a word book! I know i'll mess up alot! But then again.. you will be hearing too many cuss words! LOL .. We shall see what happens! --Pleasant dreams! kat

Cricut giving away.......

Winter Wood Land CART! They have reached 100 carts! YAY!! I entered to win! Check out the message board in regards to this. Product details here ! Cross your fingers that i WIN!

Finally I scrapped!

Ok.. its been a good month or more since I day a scrapbook layout! This time i did a 2 page layout of our summer vacation. Its one of my goals to scrapbook all our summer vacation pics. I did 3 pages a month ago and then stopped due to several surgeries, but now i'm ready to start up again. My layouts are not as fancy as the ones i've seen here. I still consider myself a newbie. I wish I can get as fancy as everyone here. I just used the cricut to cut out the letterings. Its a basic font. The pencil is what we used to keep score! i saved everything so i can scrap! Hope you like...

Cricut giving away!

Ok.. cricut has reached 100 carts and they are celebrating! So here is the link to the celebration! This my second entry to win! YAY !!! 100 Carts Celebration

YAY! 30 lbs LOST!

OMG! I have lost 30 lbs! My clothes are loose! I'm kind of in between sizes. Weird! But i'm so excited! On another note... I need to start crafting again! I started a 2 page scrap page of our summer vacation. i made 3 pages.. then stopped due to surgery, then my work reassignment! UGH! So i should get to started on my crafts! I have some stampin up items on order! I can't wait! I order the TOP NOTE! I've been wanting that! I joined two clubs! I know i know that alot. :) So i'm setting goals for myself! LIst is not in any order of importance everything everyone is important! 1. EXERCISE 2. Scrap or papercraft more! 3. Blog more often. ( does anyone read this blog?) So thats it! Lets see if I actually do any of my goals!


YAY! I"m a year older! Don't feel different! LOL I sound like Molly Ringwald in the movie Sixteen Candle. Well yesterday, Fernando took me to get some fish for our pond since our koi and other fish died because it sprung a leak! Well, I got like 3 comets and 1 shasbun (sp?) and some feeder fish. MY BIRTHDAY fish! YAY. Waking up!.... Went out side and hmmmm my fish are swimming weird on their side! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! My birthday fish died on my Birthday! SOOOO SAD! The store was closed today and closed on labor day but we were told to freeze it and give them a water sample on Tuesday! YES freeze the fish! So i have 4 frozen pond fish in my freezer! LOL! Well after the shock of my dead fish... we went to the pulga (flea market). I bought this awesome vintage cake saver! SOOO pretty! I love collecting vintage cake savers! I think thats what they are called. Isn't it pretty?? ---> Then came home and got ready and left to see "JULIE & JULIA". It was cute mo...

Birthday Tomorrow..

Ok.. so My birthday is tomorrow.. about 26 minutes from now. Wow.. i'm getting order! If I were to have a baby, i would be in that percentile that needs to becareful due to my age. I would have to have an amnio! Kind of scary... i guess no baby for me! As I type, my birthday cake is in the oven.. smells yummy! So what are my plans for my BDAY? Well Fernando is going to take me to the movies! I want to see Julie and Julia! THen he is taking me out for lunch or dinner! Then home to eat my CAKE! Yummm. No major celebrations. Just 1 year older and down almost 30 lbs! YAY! My mom and grandma got me giftcards to buy myself new clothes! My pants are falling off and my blouses are tooo big! YAY! Good sign! Sooo looking forward to buying new clothes! Well thats all for now.. my cake is about ready to get out of the oven! BYE!! :)