
Showing posts from July, 2009

Peachy Keen Challenge

Ok... So i'm going do challenges. I figure the more I do, the more creative I will be. This challenge is from Peachy Keen Stamps Challenge #4. It has to have stripes, a greeting and 3 buttons. Its simple very simple but its a start! I will be doing more challenges to get my creative juices flowing. So please be kind and lets hope i'll get better! :) Thanks for Looking!! ~Kat PS. you can click on the pick to see a bigger view of it.

Something new in my Scrap Area!

All I have to say is that I have an AWESOME boyfriend! He jokes around about me buying all my craft stuff.. but HA to him you should see his TOOLS! (which he can't find most of the time!) He did find them for this project. He made me an AWESOME Pegboard for my Scrap tools!. YAY HIM! Ohhh.. You can see i got my SCOR-Pal have yet to use it! I'm NOT feeling very creative lately (read post below). Oh another thing see my ATG.. I altered it! :) Love ya FERN!

Surgery Date Changed! (No craft today) :(

Well, went to the Dr. today and there was a scheduling problem. I had hoped to get my surgery on the 20th but then the miscommunication happened. So they moved it to the 21st! One day whats the big deal you may say. Well We had planned on going to Panama Beach Florida & Augusta George on the 26 and i wanted a more days of recovery! Well.. I emailed to see if they can do it this FRIDAY! Which was the plan but I had that mishappen before the 20th surgery date! UGH! I am in depression mode! I can't seem to sleep at times. I just lay here! I had to force myself to get up from bed today i'm here! posting.. and Your comments really helped! I want to thank everyone to for their comments. (for some reason, i can't post a comment not even on my own website)! Well thank you! I can't believe people actually come to my website! LOL. Thank you Erica for your words of encouragement! THANKS ALL! Happy Crafting!! ~kat

Inspired by Shawns's Video...

So last night I was up late on the Cricut message board and decided to view a video that I saw a fellow member post. So i go take a look... OOOOOOOOOOO! I LOVE IT. So this morning I was upset because well, if you look at the card I attempted to make below... Its DISGUSTING! I logged into some site: cuttlebug spot and they have a challenge (inside counts) So Hmmm.. I want to try what Shawna did, but I don't have that embossing folder... What to do? So i just did it with the devine swirl cuttlebug folder. I think it turned out ok? I embossed the swirls. Its a bit different but i like it. Hope you like it SHAWNA! Thanks for the inspiration! You can visit Shawns website @ to view the video.

Snap out of it SUNDAY SKETCH...

Ok..have trouble following a sketch. BLAH i don't like it.. the thingie in the middle looks odd.. oh well.. Here's the website where the challenge is at It looks nothing like it! LOL I need practice! I already saw some of the other folks cards.. OMG i'm a amature!

Win $1,000 at!

I have just discovered that The Cuttlebug Spot is having a contest - "The Journey to 1,000"! They are trying to reach 1,000 followers by the end of July and need your help. To enter all you have to do is go to their site, sign up as follower and complete a few easy steps and you could win a $1,000 gift certificate to Custom Crops ( )! GO NOW and check it out at

craft or diet journal???

Ok.. so the title of this blog says scarpbooking and crafting. I have not yet created anything big. I have done a couple of cards. I did use my cricut, cuttlebug and stamps for it! So i used all my tools! I have not done any layouts! UGH i have the pictures i want to use but i only have two i want to add more photos! Hmmm i'm still thinking what colors, fonts, embellishments..etc.. i want to use. Well, since my last post, i did eat on Wednesday. Why? I was having terrible headaches! I emailed my advocate at the dr. office. I just explained my terrible headaches and if its possible for me to add like a strawberry to the shakes. Well, I was waiting for the email reply.. THEN the phone rings! Its her! She goes, " Kathy, Dr. C wants to talk to you! " I was freaking out! I am in BIG trouble! Well he picks up and ask what is happening... i tell him. He goes ok, if you feel you need to cheat. Then have a small dinner of chicken or steak with a green vegetables. Only like every 3...


ok... I am going to get the lap band surgery. I am scheduled to have my operation on July 20th. I am on my 2nd day of a liquid diet. It consists of 14 days of all protein shakes. They are pretty gross and i am pretty hungry. I have to have 3 - 5 shakes a day as a meal. I can have water and crystal light drink. Hmmmm.. Major HUNGRY HEADACHES! I cheated ugh! I know I know.. I had a spear of pickle, crackers and some cheese these past two day! UGH... I know i shouldn't. But goodness with just protein shakes in my system.. eww i had to have something to chew. So i'm sucking on life savers, tic tacs. Somethign to curb my hunger! I am pretty scared. but i know its all for the best. I am so tired of being fat. I have no idea what is it to be fit. Never been skinny. I just want to be able to walk without getting tired. I wanna feel good about myself. Well wish me luck! I will try to post everyday. I have no idea if anyone is reading this. If someone is read...