
Showing posts from December, 2009

Happy New Years!!

Happy New Years to ALL !! So my New Years resolution. Hmmm.. This is going to be hard but I know it must be done! 1. Eat smaller meals. 2. Exercise at least 3x a week! 3. Save at least $50 per month. 4. Do my lesson plans for the next week by Friday! 5. Scrap a 12x12 a week. 6. Do more challenges. Phew! I know the 1st four are going to be hard! That should be it! Be safe hope your 2010 is a blessed one!

I'm Back!

Well, its been a while since i lasted posted! We left for our annual mini xmas vacation to the coast. As usually the weather was blah. It rained for the last two days.. cold and drizzle. I spent the days laying down on the bed... then yesterday my back went out! So here i sit with a heating pad on my back! UGH! Oh well. So its been 6 days since i've crafted!! I'm aching to craft but Fern is in the other room and I do not want to disturb him. So I'm catching up on my crafting videos and decided to change up my blog. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! This year we do not have a party to DJ at so what are we to do? Just spend it here at home and drink! I really want to have a game night party but don't have the funds to fund it! I"m not into the fireworks stuff so it would be lame for my sister and her family to come. Tomorrow I'll post my new years resolution! Which I will try to keep! maybe i'll do some crafts a wee bit later! :) BYE!!!...

YAY! I finally did a mini album!!

Ok.. so.. i've been struggling doing mini albums. I recently did a word album for my brother.. which was driving me crazy. I really didn't like the end results but people liked it. Oh well... I'm my own worst crictic. well Since i'm a blog hopper.. i found this blog about 1 1/2 months ago and i'm addicted to watching her videos! Mary over at Cardztv recently made a mini tag album. When I saw it.. I Was like... I CAN DO THAT! Ok.. so i did have a problem with picking paper for it.. but i think it turned out great! So take a look at my video.. then head on over to Mary's blog to see her detailed video on how to make it! CardzTv -direct link to the video of the Mini Album. Fel.. if your watching.. I said i was gonna make one for you.. i'm not! LOL I forgot you see my blog.. dang it!! LOL Thanks MARY your AWESOME!! Don't forget to pause the player on the right to hear!

3 Challenges

Ok... I made this card on Sunday but forgot to post it! Cricut Cardz Challenge #5 Required us to use any color combo and cartridge but We have to put something that starts with an "S": Santa, Stocking, Sleigh..etc... For this I used the stocking cut from Joys of the seasons. I sprayed shimmer mist from SU and used stickles for the jingle bells.. There looks like some blackish marks on the cuff of the stocking.. Upon looking.. its is some of the glitter from the stickles.. I don't know why it looks blackish on the photo.. Well here is my card.. nice and simple! I am also entering this card for the DieCut Dreams Challenge #27 They wanted us to use anything glitter! My Glitter is the shimmer mist and the stickles! Too bad you can't see the shimmer mist.. its so glittery in person! Our Creative Corner : Create a card or project with a Holiday Theme, Christmas or Hannukah

Non-crafting week... :(

So i have not been in the mood to craft this week. Made a few ornamets tag frames for work for my students pictures.. but been feeling very blah this week. I have yet to do a card challenge. I'm gazing over to my left as i t ype and looking at my supplies.. Hmmm... just not feeling it. No inspiration! Maybe i'll go head over to youtube and look at some videos for some inspiration. blah.. Been waiting on my stampin up stuff to arrive. I order it In november 15.. and still nothing! Supposedly people are turnign in orders lates so that makes our orders late.. Oh well, that was my last month with them.. I had to drop out of the club to do financial reasons.. and to be honest.. shipment cost and delays were a major factor. well I'll blog another time.. Youtube here I come!

Crafty Haven Blog Candy...

Soo I was scrolling through my blog dashboard looking at blogs that I follow and saw it! Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for providing this awesome blog on your DAY!............. CRAFTY HAVEN

Technical Difficulties!!

My BLOG BACKGROUND is MESSED UP!! GRRRRRrr.. Sorry folks if you can't see the pictures.. I don't know what is happening.

One Card --4 CHALLENGES!

PHEW! I made one card for 4 challenges! Now this was a Challenge! Kaboodle —Use Snowflakes PeachyKeen Stamps Challenge 17 - stripes, poka dots, border, stamped image, Mojo Monday 116 —use following sketch Just Buggin' --Layers -Use at least two die cuts and layer them together ( My snowflakes are layered! Joys of Season Cart ) SO here is my CARD! Hope you like!

Our Xmas tree

Hello! Just thought I'd post a picture of our Christmas tree! This is our softball Xmas tree on top of our dinning room table. I did it last night. We are hosting Our 10&U Softball Team Xmas party.. Just thought the girls may like it!