
Showing posts from August, 2009


Well Ya know something? I hope I win something in September! Its my birthday month! Sept 6th folks.. so please mark that on your calendar and make sure to send me GIFTS! I LOVE PRESENTS!! LOL I would love some scrapbooking and card making stuff! I'm forbidden to buy any scrapbooking/cardmaking stuff :( I'm only allowed my allotted Stampin Up stuff because I had already obligated myself! DARN SURGERIES and DEDUCTABLES! I"m in so much debt from deductables!! UGH!!! Sooooo here are the links to some blog candy!! Cross your fingers that i WIN something! lol Creating from the Heart Sassy Designs by Susie (i'm suppose to post a pic..but I can't figure out how to do it!?) sorry :(

Another SURGERY!

Well.. One month and 1 day! I had another surgery! This time my GALLBLADDER! I had to spend the night at the hospital blah! Surgery was more than expected! Dr. said I didn't have stones but BOULDERS! He had a hard time breaking them to pull out the gallbladder! So i'm home from work for a week! UGH .. 1st day of school started today! I got some bad news today in regards to my classes! I lost my students! I have been reassigned to do life skills class! BIG CHANGE! I know nothing about life skills! Supposedly I will only have 3 students. Oh well another Challenge ! It must be for a good reason! They are testing me BIG TIME!! I'm bery scared but oh well. Go with the flow! I'm in a bit of pain. My incisions hurts. I am trying not to take the pain meds they knock me out. Sleeping hurts because I have to sleep semi upright! If i lay flat.. my back hurts if i lay semi up.. my back hurts! So guess what MY BACK HURTS RIGHT NOW! I am sitting at my des...

Blog candy..

I wanna win ! I wanna win!! LOL i'm short on $$$ here are a few blogs that are having blog candy up for grabs: Papercrafts by Rach Live it -Scrap it Enjoying the Journey The crafting pad McMahon Five Designs :) Please visit the above sites! but i hope you don't WIN! LOL Hmmm.... I may give away some blog candy myself on my birthday... SEPTEMBER.. SO please come back and You might see me give some blog candy away!

Life after SURGERY! ??

Ok.. I think i'm ready to tell what happened when i went into surgery. IF some of you all don't know, I had the LAPBAND surgery on July 20th. I've heard its fairly simple surgery just 4 small incisions. Well, when doc went in... LOW AND BEHOLD he found i had a HIATAL HERNIA! What is that!? Well, at the bottom of my esphogas it goes through a muscle to go to my stomach..well.... my stomach decided to up the passage where my esphogas was. Usually you have symptoms (heartburn... belching..etc). Didn't have any symptoms. Well doc fixed it.. pulled down my stomach and stitched the muscle close so only my esphogas goes through. Then he did my lapband! Well this was my 1st ever surgery in my life! I woke up in pain! I hurt to cough.. Nursers go me up quick to change and leave! just two hours of recovering (sleeping--well knocked out!). 1st & 2nd day i took my pain meds and was knocked out most of the time. Barely drank water or my broth (food). My 3rd day.. had lo...

I'm BACK!!!

I"m finally back from vacation! Took lots of pictures! It's been 9 days since i've scrapped anything or made a card! I"m so tired today Got in at 2am this morning. UGH I loved sleeping in my own bed!! First thing i did is log in to cricut message board and went to my favorite scarp blog sites.. and I found an awesome blog candy! I hope i win!!! Here is the link to her website.... YA BUGGIN' ME . I'll post more info about my lap band surgery later.. Need my scrap video fix! :) I'm going blog hopping!!!