Project for Faber Castell Design Memory Craft: Guest Design Team Call


I thought I’d share with you the projects I submitted for the Faber Castell Design Memory Craft Guest DT.  

Here are my projects and after are the details of the Dream Grow Inspire project.

Faith, Heart, Dreams, Love

DT 024 (469x640)




DT 016 (474x640)


Phew!! Finally I got this project done and I love it!! Materials I used will be listed below after my step by step process! Well, sort of step by step! This is Mixed Media so you have free range to mix it all up!

First thing first is put a layer of gesso on my paper. I let that air dry naturally. I really didn’t want to warp the paper with the heat gun. Once dried I then used a leaf stencil I created on my cameo with overhead transparency. I love creating my own stencils! I placed the leaf stencil on top of the gesso paper and smeared modeling paste all over it and lifted it up! I repeated the process in 3 other areas of the paper. I then let that air dry. When I came back to my project I just used all my Faber Castel Design Memory Craft Pitt Big Brush Markers and kept on blending with my fingers. I took a look at it and I was ewww! I just wasn’t feeling it ya know!? So then I just gesso’d all over it and let it air dry.


Supplies used (detailed list below) Love that stencil I made!

4 or 5 days later… because you know LIFE HAPPENS and just gets in the way! I looked at my gesso molded leaf project and blended the colors away! I started with coloring the leaves with my olive green Pitt Big Brush Markers. I then moved to the outer edges and worked my way in using most of my Pitt Big Brush Markers (did I mention that I love love them? Well, I do!) Once I got my colors just right… I placed a butterfly stencil on top and used some blue Mister Huey’s and removed the stencil and then FREAKED!! Ahhhhh I don’t like!! I blended the mist with some paint brushes then took away some of the color with baby wipes. Phew looking a bit better!

Took out my stamps and wanted to use that awesome bee and beehive stamps from MME Sweetest thing stamp set. I inked it up with Archival ink and stamped in 3 locations because well 3 always helps to balance things out. OOOOO sooo loving it! I then used my Pitt Big Brush Markers in yellow and used that on my beehive and stamped in a few places. Those markers work great on stamps!

Hmmm it needs something more!? I then got out a doily and slapped it on in 3 locations in pieces and of course I did not like so I peeled it out and gesso’d over it. LOVE mix media! You can mess up and just gesso over it and start all over! This is my kind of art! I am so indecisive. With a blank slate in 3 areas, decided to use some yellow to bring out some brightness using the yellow Pitt Big Brush Markers and yellow ochre BOMBAY ink. I let the ink just swirl all over the page. Love how it swirled in the middle.

 DT 018 (430x640)

I then took a sticker from the Basic Gray PB&J collection gesso’d over it and wiped it off so I can use Pitt Big Brush Markers to blend some color on it to make it blend onto my project. Love it! I also cut apart some word stickers and did the same thing to create a title.DT 017 (640x430)

I left my project because I knew it needed something else and just couldn’t figure it out. 30 minutes later I came back and decided to glue some flowers on it. Ohhh I so love it! It was a bit too bright for me so I just use some picket fence distress stain to lighten the flowers and placed some goose bumps in the center. I used some picket fence distress strain on the outer edge to frame it. I do not know about you but SOO LOVE IT! I think it came out pretty good. Next time, I think I’m just going to do a video of my process. That way you can see my process and of course how much I mess up! It’s all a part of Mixed Media! I am so glad I found this awesome medium to create my heart out!

DT 016 (474x640)


So crossing my fingers hoping that I win.  Wish me luck!!   


Materials used:

FABER CASTEL DESIGN MEMORY CRAFT Pitt Big Brush Markers: (light green 171, permanent green olive 167, light cobalt turquoise 154, manganese violet 160, black 199, cobalt blue 143, orange glaze 113, pink madder lake 129, dark sepia 175, deep scarlet red 219, dark Naples ochre 184)

Galeria: Modelling Paste

Art Alternatives: acrylic gesso white

Dr. Ph. Martin’s: Bombay India Ink (yellow ochre)

My Mind’s Eye: The sweetest thing collection (Honey “Happiness”)

Basic Grey: PB&J collection stickers 3680 (Beautiful)

Webster’s Pages: Image & phrase stickers (WS1041 Color: wonderfall)

Pink, orange flowers (unknown)

Queen & Co.: Goose Bumps (yellow)

Ranger: Archival Ink (Black)

Mister Huey’s: heirloom blue

Leaf stencil

Paint brushes

Canson XL Mixed Media Paper Spiral Pad


  1. Such a lot of effort you have put in and it looks gorgeous

    1. thanks!! usually doesn't take me this long but work starting up again.. and i think i was nervouse because i was going to use it for the design team call.. i kept on changing my mind! heehe..



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