Project for Faber Castell Design Memory Craft: Guest Design Team Call
I thought I’d share with you the projects I submitted for the Faber Castell Design Memory Craft Guest DT. Here are my projects and after are the details of the Dream Grow Inspire project. Faith, Heart, Dreams, Love BUTTERFLY DREAM, GROW, INSPIRE, LEARN Phew!! Finally I got this project done and I love it!! Materials I used will be listed below after my step by step process! Well, sort of step by step! This is Mixed Media so you have free range to mix it all up! First thing first is put a layer of gesso on my paper. I let that air dry naturally. I really didn’t want to warp the paper with the heat gun. Once dried I then used a leaf stencil I created on my cameo with overhead transparency. I love creating my own stencils! I placed the leaf stencil on top of the gesso paper and smeared modeling paste all over it and lifted it up! I repeated the process in 3 other areas of the paper. I then let that air dry. When I came back to my project I just used ...