Meet the KinderStampO Guest Design Team Blog Hop

Howdy Folks!!  I am so honored to be part of Jessica’s aka KinderStampO guest designers! WoW! How awesome is that! 

I am sure throughout the blog hop you have seen all the wonderful folks share with you the MOTTO by which Jessica from KinderStampO goes by “ Live. craft. Inspire”

The idea is to share a little bit about ourselves listed under the word live, a little bit about ourcrafty style under the word Craft and a little bit about how we get inspiration and how they hope to inspire under the word inspire.

So here goes my interpretation of the motto:  LIVE. CRAFT. INSPIRE. 

LIVE:  I am an elementary special education teacher and work with Special needs kids.  I am so loving it! I never thought I was going to have so much fun doing this! I heart it the most!  When I’m not teaching, I’m a girlfriend to a middle school special education teacher, stepmom to his 17 y/o daughter and a softball stepmom!  hehe   I love my family!   Then when all is said and done.. I’m a SCRAPPER and CARDMAKER.

CRAFT: My crafty style is what ever comes to mind!  I really do not have a plan on how I am going to create something. I’m a fly by the seat of your pants kinda girl.  I get the picture I want to scrap. Find papers to match it and there ya have it!  Now for card making I love doing challenges!  I love following sketches  which now I’m figuring I need to do that for my layouts.  I need all the help I can get.  Keep in mind I make lots of mistakes but hey you can always “scrap” it and start over! 

INSPIRE:  I get all my inspiration from my fellow crafter online! I love YOUTUBE! Darn that YOUTUBE making me spend so much!  I get so much inspiration from those wonderful crafters on youtube! I hope I can inspire others to love this hobby. I like to youtube my process of cardmaking and layouts (which I haven’t in a while, with school starting up again). I never edit out my mistakes because I want people to see hey no one is perfect!  SO I hope that will inspire other to create without fear!

I look forward to all of y’all seeing my creations!  Little nervous but hey its only paper! LOL 

Now on to business:  For a chance to win some blog candy from KinderStampO here is the link

Stop by the KinderStampO Facebook page and let them know I sent you and/or leave a comment on each of the guest designers blogs. One lucky winner will win a prize from KinderStampO.

The next stop is Monica Lawrence

Here are the list of the Fellow Guest Designers in case you get lost!


Alina Coronado

Amanda Tibbits

Angie Gaa

Bobbi Jo Henke

Corina Daily

Daphne Shreiber

Jessica Baker

Karen Christiansen

Karey Jeans

Kathy Torres

Monica Lawrence

Sylvia Solario

Tanner Bell 

Teresa Savage

Wee Choon Bin

Zoe Aparicio

Zeni Pradel


  1. look forward to seeing your designs as well. Congrads :)

  2. I love Journey. I look forward to seeing your creations. Congrats teammate!

  3. Congratulations on making the team...looking forward to what you will create!
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  4. Congrats on making the guest design team!!

  5. Congrats on making the Guest design team.

  6. Congrats!! looking forward to your designs!!

  7. Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you have in store for all of us..:)

    Linda K.

  8. Congrats, (i'm shaking in my boots scared- it would hae helped if I didnt goof up tonight with the blog hop ugggg!
    I look foward to seeing more of your work!
    Angie Gaa

  9. Congrats on making the team:)
    mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com

  10. Congratulations! i'm looking forward with working with Jess and you on the dt. I cannot wait to see your projects!

  11. Congratulations to you and all the other guest designers!

  12. Congrats I look forward to working with you!

  13. Congratulations! Looking forward to what you will make.

    Jess B.

  14. Congratulations =) Can't wait to see your creations.

    Hugs from Lilli =)

  15. congrats on being a guest designer.


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