Yay! I am so excited to announce that my ONLINE CLOSE TO MY HEART PARTY IS NOW OPEN!! WOO HOO.  There are some awesome..awesome.. Monthly incentives!!  SEPTEMBER IS NATIONAL STAMPING MONTHS! WOO HOO  and Guess what else is in SEPTEMBER?? MY BIRTHDAY! (the 6th to be exact)  LOL Just had to throw that in!

1.  If you order $50 or more you can buy the STAMP OF THE MONTH for only $5.  This month's stamp set is called: LIMITED EDITION.  It is awesome .. Take a look...

Isn't this stamps set cute! You can make all sorts of gift tags and journalling spots on your layouts. I love this! To get a better view click here.  

2.  And because its NATIONAL STAMPING MONTH..CTMH is offering a double stamp set  called PAIR-a-Phrase for free if you place an order of $75 or more up until September 30th.  This double stamp set retails for $35.95 so this is an awesome deal. So you order $75 you can get this double stamp set free and pay an extra $5 and also get the Stamp of the Month set! WOW!    Take a look at the Double stamp set...

Celebrate National Stamping Month - Get a FREE My Acrylix double stamp set with your qualifying purchase!

Too CUTE!!  I so want this! To view it in more detail with examples click here.

Last but not least.. the one Everyone WANTS!!

3.  The New Cricut Cartridge that only Close to My Heart is selling called:  ART PHILOSOPHY! OMGOSH... this is the best.  It comes with the cartridge, 3 stamp sets and chipboard!! 2 DIE 4!  I want.. I want.. I want!

The Stamp sets coordinate with the cricut cuts and it also tells you what size to cut the shapes so that the stamp set could fit!  I SOO WANT.. Ok so i want everything!  
To view in more detail go here.

To make it even more exciting. I am going to do a give away!  For all my online orders i receive I will give one item from CTMH to the lucky person which i will pick through . I still do not know what the item will be but I will be good.

So please Place your ORDER NOW!
Please visit my online PARTY HERE>>> ITS MY PARTY <<<  IF this link does not work.. please email me at   FELKATZ at gmail dot com so i can send you the invite link!

On the TOP right. YOu will see my CONSULTANTS NAME:  Jennifer Smith
Name underneath as HOSTESS: Kathy Torres.

If you are not a member, just click on the link that says..CREATE A NEW CUSTOMER ACCOUNT. EASY PEASY!   IF you have any questions, please feel free to email me at felkatz at gmail dot com.

Also, I will be doing a video soon about this and will be showing y'all some stuff.  SO please order! The Part will be open till September 30th, till 11:59pm central!!



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