Crafty Sprouts New Stamp release & challenge!

Ok.. so Ms. Erika aka Crafty Sprouts had released her 2nd New Stamp set. It is amazing! Check this out. Erika is also my neighbor, ok so not next door neighbor put she lives like less than a mile from me. This is strange we both got selected to Kristal’s design team a few months back and that’s how I found out she was a neighbor! I was like oh cool she lives in San Antonio too but then I was like WOWO she lives like really close! LOL So I should be stalking her mail box and see if I can intercept some of her stamps when the mail man passes. Anyway just wanted to let yall know it’s a SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL! So Ms. Erika has a sketch challenge to go along with her New stamp release and I decided to join in on the fun. Her stamps are awesome and I so need to get my hands on them reason why I am planning on intercepting a box! Gotta know when the next shipment comes in! Just love her barcode stamp on each set!! Here is the sketch: ...