
Showing posts from August, 2010


MY BFF and I must always go to CHINA TOWN.. well because i LOVE CHINESE FOOD!! I CRAVE IT!! I want it.. its my passion! LOL SO we always eat at WON KOW I JUST LOVE DIM SUM!! ILOVE IT!! LOOK this was just a part of it! YUMM YUMM Some more food we ate! I didn't eat it all in one sitting.. we had left over the next day!! YUMM This is my BFF & her Husband and her TWIN BOYS.. aren't they the cutest!! Sooo.. since i've been back home.. i've been craving Chinese food.. and I've made chinese at home from scratch.. thanks to KAI on youtube its been even better.. well today i went to HEB central market and they had Sweet Soy Sauce! So bought and I made spicy beef noodles.. YUMM FERN LOVED IT.. Stir frying the beef in oil, garlic & red pepper flakes. beef was marinated with sweet soy sauce & 1 tbsp of cornstarch. Boiling my noodles. 4 mins only! The condiments I used to make the sauce. Just to taste! THE RESULTS !! YUMMM I added carrots celery, onions &...


I came back August 4th? I know took me a while to post. I got lots of goodies while visiting my BFF KARLA in Chicago and of course went to CHA! I'll post a link of the goodies I got below. I met ROBYN MY PINKSTAMPER at CHA! She is the most nices person ever!! I just went up to her told her i watch her on YOUTUBE and she just gave me a big ole hug like she knew me.. she is sooo sweet!! LOVE HER & HER STAMPS!! Robyn & ME ! Me & Susan I also met Susan from BUSY WITH CRICKY she has a dvd out.. visit her blog. It was weird we were standing and line and susan was in front.. and i saw her rollin tote and saw her DVD on it.. and iw as like hey i know her!! i see her blog! and low and behold it was her! so we took a pic! LOL me & JENN OHH YEAH.. i can't forget JENN from LIVE TEACH CREATE ! SHE ROCKS LOBSTERS! She wasn't kidding when she said she was tall! hehe Or i'm just short! I'm 5'6 This is a pic of me and my BFF KARLA @ CHA ! We had loads of fun!! ...