
Showing posts from January, 2010

Seriously.... I have an ADDICTION!

I am so obsessed with watching those YOUTUBE VIDEOS... Then it makes me want to go out to shop... and I did! Some money came in from selling my paper..Just have one paper pack left... So 1st thing i did is go to Michaels.. Founds some awesome paper pads for 4 bucks! Then NExt day went to Hobby lobby and 2 michaels in search of a license plate stamp which I found. So what i'm doing is selling stuff! I had a DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION WII game sold it to my sister... I had bought it for my Step daughter but she only used it once.. She has been in the dog house for a while! So i said.. i'm gonna sellf it! I did for $40 to my sister for the kids.. They got a Wii for xmas. ANd i sold another game..w hich my 6 year old niece bought i said 8 but she only had $7.. so I asked for 10 kisses! :) hehehe.. She was happy! Then she goes.. HA.. i have like 20's in my wallet! GRRRRRR... LOL So.. anyone need a kidney? LOL ohh i shouldn't joke! But seriously.. I need to stop! ...

For sale or trade!!

Hello!!! Since I went way overboard buying paper during the black friday sales.. i'm selling or willing to trade! K&Co.-- Best of K&Company 12x12 designer paper... (SOLD ! ) 1-- 120 (12x12 paper) 1- 119 (12x12 paper) DCWV = Ultimate Stack of the Year (SOLD ! ) 1- 48 (12x12 paper) 1 -46 (12x12 paper) 2 patterns were used already. And who ever wants the alpha stickers or the stickers of tags etc..i'll throw those in. DCWV - Photo stack 2 STILL AVAILABLE!! 1 - 60 (12x12 paper) 1 - 60 (12x12 paper) I am willing to trade or sale.. all sales will be through paypal only! Trading items.. just let me know what you have and willing to trade for. I would like: Coredinations paper, Tim Holtz products (stamps etc), SU products, CTMH products, Ink pads. Sassafras, Cricut carts (thought i'd give it a try!) just let me know!! ohh flowers! i only have one color of prima flowers (green) they were on clearance so I bought! so i would like prima flowers! EMAIL M...

Supply Swap for Life on the Scrap beach..

Here is a pic of the paper pad....

Jan.Challenge #3- Life on the{Scrap} Beach..

So i found a new website and I LOVE IT!! SO here is my 1st challenge entry for this site. Challenge #3 was to scrap a Layout about my family! So here is my WII family--- WII figured it was a play on "WEE" i have a small family! Me, BF and Stepdaughter! Its simple and my first time using THICKERS! I like it! Hope you do too!

My Addiction to.....

YOUTUBE!! Everyday I lay here.. (yes lay here) looking at youtube and searching for Scrapbooking hauls! Since i'm broke, i have to live vicariously through others! I hate that I get paid once a month! Last month, Dec 19 was last paycheck.. now i have to wait 5 weeks to get another pay check!! I wonder how much my KIDNEY would go for! I am loving what people are getting at Michaels on clearance!!! UGh!! I have the shakes.... i'm going through withdrawals!! I need a fix!!! off to Youtube I GO!!!

2 Challenges for the New Year!

Ok... It's been forever since I did a card! I have been having back problems so I was unable to sit/stand for long period of time. Here is my 1st card for the New Year! I'm rusty! This card is for the PeachyKeen Challenge #19 . And since its a New year..a New beginning is Papertake weekly Challenge , whick we are to interpret any way we like.. SO new year ..1st new card! Hope you like!

My 1st post of the New year!

Sorry haven't posted! I'm still here in pain. My back went out last week and thought i'd be better now but nope! So i have to take the day off tomorrow and go to Dr. so he can give me some muscle relaxers or something! I can't sleep! Anyway, I added something new to my blog. On the sidebar, i added My cricut cart list! Its only 12.. I know most of you have tons! in the 40's etc... i'm not there yet! I did do a double layout yesterday and finished it up earlier today. I just can't stay seated for too long. Thanks for stopping by!