Seriously.... I have an ADDICTION!
I am so obsessed with watching those YOUTUBE VIDEOS... Then it makes me want to go out to shop... and I did! Some money came in from selling my paper..Just have one paper pack left... So 1st thing i did is go to Michaels.. Founds some awesome paper pads for 4 bucks! Then NExt day went to Hobby lobby and 2 michaels in search of a license plate stamp which I found. So what i'm doing is selling stuff! I had a DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION WII game sold it to my sister... I had bought it for my Step daughter but she only used it once.. She has been in the dog house for a while! So i said.. i'm gonna sellf it! I did for $40 to my sister for the kids.. They got a Wii for xmas. ANd i sold another game..w hich my 6 year old niece bought i said 8 but she only had $7.. so I asked for 10 kisses! :) hehehe.. She was happy! Then she goes.. HA.. i have like 20's in my wallet! GRRRRRR... LOL So.. anyone need a kidney? LOL ohh i shouldn't joke! But seriously.. I need to stop! ...