
Showing posts from June, 2009


OK.. Yes i know I said I was going to go on a DIET! I did for 1/2 a day then everything went down hill! Still have not gotten back on the wagon! I need to went to Dr's and boy was I suprised @ the number! HIJOLE! In regards to my creative side!? Well, I joined the inchie challenge. Still don't know what theme to do it in. I am hoping this will get me more active in creating instead of just buying. I do really have problems! I spend on my craft yet I don't create!! Back to my life when i am not shopping for crafts.... Well, yesterday was the last day of taking my Step daughter to softball camp ! I said to myself YAY! I don't have to wake up early. Yet this morning I found myself awake @ 4:45??? WHAT !!! So I saw some TV, got up made breakfast for BF, did laundry then went to Michaels to return items that I really didn't need. Just spend 2.64 when i was there on clearance items. OHHHH BIG NEWS!! Completely forgot why I was going to post! I ordered my A...

Friday Update....

Its been a trying week. Had to wake up early to take my stepdaughter to her softball camp then go back a few hours later to pick her up. Then Yesterday was my BF b-day had to plan the meal for his dinner party also had to take SD to buy him a gift, get my hair cut.. etc.. blah! I was thinking today I need to do something during the summer besides scrapbook & make cards! I have the whole summer off! So, i just need bite the bullet and LOSE weight! Then at the cricut message board I saw a post about weight watchers. Hmmm.. I did that years ago and it worked! So i decide to do this! Tomorrow I will start WW on my own. Then I saw OKIE's post about losing weight! Hmmmm this is a SIGN! I had planned on getting the LapBand surgery. I still have that plan as long as my insurance will pay for it. I go next month to make sure everything is in order. I've seen pictures of myself and it makes me cry. I am huge. I can't believe i let myself get this way. My BF left to go fishing my...

My scarpbook album..

Hey Howdy, Thought I'd show you my scrapbook album. It is in order showing my very first scrap page. Mind you, I didn't know about Cricut etc. I just happen to buy a kit for my niece on sale @ Target so i bought two. I used one for myself and i did one page and I was hooked! Hope you like. Be kind!

Another Softball day...

It is so HOTTT!!! We had a softball tournament to go to. My bf and I have a softball organization that we run. We have a 10 & Under & 18 under team. Its nothing but softball all year long! So back to the tournament. Had to wake up @ 5:45 to make breakfast tacos and be @ field by 7am! Thank goodness it was only a one day tournament. I was hoping they would lose early so we can just go home! The temp was i believe 95 with a heat index of 105? I am burnt toast! I didn't even play just watched. Got home... took a shower and knocked out! I am too exhausted to even scrap. Maybe tomorrow! Adios!!


Ok so this is my first 1st post. I hope it works. This is my first full week @ home since school let out. Yep, thats right i'm a teacher! I like that I do not have to deal with any student but this is my second year teaching & I am trying to get use to not working in the summer. My BF was driving me nuts this week! He is also a teacher, but he finally went back to school to register some kids for summer school! YAY! He will be teaching for the summer! Thank goodness! Since I am new to scrapbooking. I am going to post some pictures of my cards and layouts on here. So remember be kind. I am new to this stuff. Enjoy!