OK.. Yes i know I said I was going to go on a DIET! I did for 1/2 a day then everything went down hill! Still have not gotten back on the wagon! I need to went to Dr's and boy was I suprised @ the number! HIJOLE! In regards to my creative side!? Well, I joined the inchie challenge. Still don't know what theme to do it in. I am hoping this will get me more active in creating instead of just buying. I do really have problems! I spend on my craft yet I don't create!! Back to my life when i am not shopping for crafts.... Well, yesterday was the last day of taking my Step daughter to softball camp ! I said to myself YAY! I don't have to wake up early. Yet this morning I found myself awake @ 4:45??? WHAT !!! So I saw some TV, got up made breakfast for BF, did laundry then went to Michaels to return items that I really didn't need. Just spend 2.64 when i was there on clearance items. OHHHH BIG NEWS!! Completely forgot why I was going to post! I ordered my A...