
Showing posts from 2014


HOWDY!! I"M BACK.... I know I know  been away for a while from my blog.. well more than a while!!  What have been up to??   WORK WORK WORK...   I started a side business last year in October and I LOVE IT!!!    STAMPIN UP!! is so great!!!   Love their products.. I am here to tell you about an AWESOME SALE!!!!! Who is ready for a week long vacation??? ME ME ME!! And what a great way to start off that vacation is with a SALE!!! I LOVE me some SALES  especially if it is STAMPIN UP! and NO EARLY morning LINES!!  YAY!!   STAMPIN UP! has their yearly EXTRAVAGANZA sales that STARTS  November 24th - December 2nd!  On the 24th starts a one day DOOR BUSTER.  Then another DOOR BUSTER on the 2nd.  In between those dates are some major sales!!   WHO loves 50% off??  ME ME!! PLEASE use HOSTESS CODE:  PJ9F4EV3 All orders using the HOSTESS code  PJ9F4EV3 will be entered in a drawing to win STAMPIN UP goo...